Are you struggling with menopause symptoms?

Regain control for a smooth transition

Are you peri- or post-menopausal? Have you noticed changes to your menstrual cycle, perhaps with symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, mood swings, weight gain, as well as tiredness, fatigue, and trouble sleeping? Or perhaps your periods have stopped, or you may have even tried hormone therapy, but are still struggling and just not feeling yourself?  

Each woman is affected differently by the changes in menopause and symptoms can vary greatly in intensity. So why suffer in silence? Nutritional and lifestyle interventions can provide huge benefits and help your body adapt and blossom again.


Menopause is not a disease or something to be ashamed of; it is a natural stage of each woman’s life. But it can be an incredibly debilitating, confusing, and emotional time, so get the support you deserve

We care about women getting the support they need through Menopause and this October, for Menopause Awareness Month that’s no different. Menopause Awareness Month runs in October every year and provides an opportunity to highlight what the Menopause is, and what actually happens when women go through it. Whilst more conversations are happening, we recognise there’s still a long way to go, and we’re proud to provide a welcoming space that empowers women to ask questions and find answers.


Book a menopause consultation with our expert nutrition team today, and receive 20% off products recommended to you

If you have any of the symptoms above and would like to talk about it,
Book a FREE consultation with our Nutrition team today

Book your FREE Menopause consultation with our Nutritionists today.

Select a date and time below, and we'll contact you at your booked time.

Regain control for a smooth Menopause 

Menopause is associated with a cessation of periods due to a decline in ovarian production of oestrogen and progesterone which can have widespread effects on the body and your general wellbeing. At an average age of 45 to 55, women enter a perimenopausal stage where hormone levels fluctuate greatly whilst gradually declining.

Each woman will transition through this period differently, with some having the symptoms already mentioned, and others also experiencing migraines, poor memory, increased joint pains and aches, ageing skin, as well as heart and bone problems.

Good nutrition and lifestyle support alongside selected vitamins, minerals, and herbs like red clover and sage can be incredibly effective at supporting your hormone levels and general wellbeing. So look no more as we are here to help you regain control.

Discover our range of Supplements for Menopause 


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Book your FREE Menopause consultation with our Nutritionists today.

Select a date and time below, and we'll contact you at your booked time.

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